
Desserts in their healthier versions are a treat for every sweet tooth. In this category, you’ll find a variety of cookies, cakes, buns, pies, rolls, creams, puddings, Bundt cakes, crepes, pancakes, muffins, and other delectable options to savour. Our goal is to prepare desserts that are not only tasty but also nutritionally valuable and well-balanced, incorporating all essential macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins – in an optimal ratio. This makes them an excellent choice for post-workout snacking. To ensure that just about anyone can indulge, we’ve crafted a range of desserts that are raw, gluten-free, lactose-free, or made solely from plant-based ingredients, so that even vegans can enjoy them. For an even easier time baking, make sure to explore our recipes measured in mugs, which eliminate the need for a kitchen scale.

How to prepare healthier desserts?

Healthy desserts should not only delight the taste buds and satisfy sweet cravings, but ideally provide essential nutrients and satiate to perfection. We often incorporate whole-grain flour and fruits or vegetables into the batter in order to enhance the overall fibre content. Additionally, we prioritize proteins, which can be added to the batter, creams, and garnishes. Excellent protein sources include protein powders (which can be vegan), dairy products (curd, skyr, Greek yoghurt) and plant-based alternatives like unflavoured tofu. Our focus is to keep the preparation of all desserts simple, ensuring you spend minimal time in the kitchen with a guaranteed delicious outcome.

Is your mouth watering yet? Simply choose your preferred dessert type, pick the right flavour, and let the culinary adventure begin.

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