Common Workout Mistakes You Can’t Resist Making in Your Youth

Common Workout Mistakes You Can’t Resist Making in Your Youth

The world of fitness can feel like visiting a foreign planet to some young people. Therefore, it’s no wonder that even before stepping a foot into the gym, they often feel uncertain or uneasy. The idea of an unfamiliar place triggers a series of questions:

Will there be a lot of people there? Will they stare at me? What if they laugh at me for lifting light weights? Am I too fat for the gym? Shouldn’t I load more weight to show them that I can handle it? What if the weights crush me? How do I use this machine? Do I need to warm up? What should I eat before and after the workout? Can too much motivation do more harm than good? Is it okay to have a few drinks at the party today? Will I see any results in a week? What if I take steroids? Will my workout look awkward, or how do I actually avoid mistakes?

As they read these questions today, many seasoned gym-goers will likely just smile. Yet, they’ll also reminisce about their own beginnings, when they tried to emulate Arnold with a poster on the wall, years ago. At the same time, they surely chuckle at the various mistakes they made while working out back then. Often alone, at home, in front of a mirror, in their room, with a pair of rusty metal weights they got from a friend. Today, their bodies are admired by everyone, but they didn’t gain all the knowledge about fitness overnight. Not even Dwayne Johnson was born muscular. Though I understand, it sounds unbelievable.

On the flip side, starting to work out at a young age can be one of the best decisions on the road to becoming your better self. Your future self might thank you for not just letting them scroll through social media or follow all the TikTok trends. Thanks to your effort and training, your future self could become physically stronger, more confident, and healthier than ever before. If you are still afraid of failure and mistakes, you’re in the right place. In today’s article, we’ll delve into the most common mistakes in youth and advise on how to avoid them.

The article covers the most common mistakes in youth, focusing on:

The most common workout mistakes young people can't resist

Workout Mistakes That Seasoned Gym-Goers Would Rather Forget Today

It is not always true that wisdom comes with age. However, when it comes to working out, years of practice and experience carry much more weight compared to young beginners. Below, we’ll delve into the most common workout mistakes made by young athletes, which nearly everyone made in their youth but would prefer to forget about today. Most would probably even go as far as to borrow a neuralyzer from the Men in Black when reminiscing about them.

1. Expecting crazy results in a week

Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Kayla Itsines, or Michelle Lewin achieved their bodies in just a week? No? Well, probably because it’s an absolute lie. Although you can undoubtedly stumble upon revolutionary articles, diets, or advice on the internet that will easily promise you this absurdity.

Behind the sculpted physiques of these mentioned stars lie years of relentless effort, sacrifices, and a steadfast commitment to be better than the day before. However, many young people expect dramatic results after only a few trips to the gym. While this notion is enticing, it doesn’t align with reality. Clinging to such expectations can swiftly lead to demotivation. The reality check for those hoping for substantial changes within a week can be quite sobering.

Results come only from a long-term commitment

When we look at the facts, all results come from a long-term commitment. This process requires sufficient time, patience, and consistency not only in exercising, but also in diet and recovery. If your goal is to gain muscle, it’s essential to focus on optimal intake of all essential macronutrientsprotein, carbohydrates, and fats. Additionally, aiming to build muscle requires consuming about 10 to 20% more energy than your maintenance intake. Your diet should be well-balanced and complemented by regular, appropriately designed training and adequate recovery. [1]

If you’re keen on diving deeper into this topic and want to kick off your muscle-building journey on the right foot, don’t miss out on our articles:

You might be interested in these products:

How to achieve visible results?

Even after reading them, be prepared for a long process that requires effort and consistent work. Fortunately, once you establish a habit and self-discipline, the first results won’t take long to show up. With weight loss and a properly set calorie deficit, complemented by exercise and recovery, you might succeed in shedding half to one kilogram per week.

When it comes to muscle building and the suitable conditions mentioned earlier, you might start seeing initial results in terms of strength gains within four to six weeks, as your body adapts neuromuscularly to the new load. Muscle gains can be expected after approximately six to eight weeks of working out. Armed with this information, you can avoid unrealistic expectations, which ultimately may help you stick around longer and work towards your desired results. And in a few years, you might find yourself smiling at a similar article about youthful mistakes, all while being in your best shape. [2 – 3]

2. TikTok workout routine, supplemented with Instagram selfies

Even though it might not seem like it to many young athletes, the gym, or fitness centre is primarily meant for working out. Sure, we’ve all been 16, 17, or 18, and let’s be honest, who among you has never taken a selfie at the gym? I’ll admit I’m no exception. There’s nothing wrong with taking pictures, especially if you do it occasionally. You’ve probably already seen some friends of yours document their first gym visit a month ago better than some professional vloggers. Fast-forward to today and everyone, including them, has completely forgotten that they ever were in the gym. Not to mention what they were doing during those photoshoots and whether their short fitness journey even included a single real workout.

Mistakes made in youth are not uncommon, including following a training plan solely crafted by TikTok. While this social platform may offer entertainment for many, it’s best to draw the line there. Often, popular trends or workouts fail to depict reality accurately. They’re more about creating a buzz and gaining views than providing effective guidance. In reality, they’re unlikely to help you achieve your dream physique, and seasoned gym-goers would likely raise an eyebrow at them. Instead of getting caught up in such fads, focus on what truly matters: developing a well-designed training plan aligned with your goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or maintaining overall fitness.

TikTok workout routine, supplemented with Instagram selfies

Where to find relevant information about workouts

If you’re unsure where to start, don’t seek the “lumos” spell to light your path on social networks and entertainment-focused accounts. Certainly, on platforms like TikTok or Instagram, you might find experienced athletes who could offer advice. However, don’t attempt to emulate their training plan, as it is the result of years of hard work. Their current level of fitness cannot be compared to what is expected from beginners.

Instead, seek knowledge from reputable blogs and articles written by experts in the field, rather than relying solely on your favourite influencers for guidance. When it comes to actual exercise, a knowledgeable trainer can provide valuable insights into fundamental principles and ensure proper execution of each movement, reducing the risk of injury. For tailored nutrition plans, consider consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist. They can help you determine the optimal caloric intake and ensure a well-balanced diet rich in both macro and micronutrients, whether your goal is weight loss or muscle gain. While it may not have the allure of trendy TikTok workouts, investing in evidence-based advice yields more reliable and sustainable results in the long run. [4]

3. Losing weight with the McDiet

The concept of weight loss might seem like a decent fantasy in one’s early beginner years. Many people thought that simply envisioning shedding pounds would somehow make it a reality. Yet, some of my peers took it a step further years ago and, in their quest to lose weight, they’d order salads at the restaurant twice a week. They didn’t mind at all that on Fridays, we’d be hitting up the drive-through at McDonald’s, and on Saturdays, it was time for a pizza and beer combo. All just to get back to the game of sculpting abs with their salad of salvation in hand two days later.

This notion may seem far-fetched to older, more experienced folks, but many young beginners have been known to shy away from the path of weight loss and tackling any diet solutions to some extent. However, simply looking at a salad or even consuming it twice a week doesn’t address anything. Likewise, the flip side of the coin, which often involves drastic diets, has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle and can, in fact, be detrimental to your health. They may trigger the yo-yo effect, and the pounds you struggled to shed may eventually come back to haunt you, with interest. Hence, in this case, it’s crucial to stick to proven basics.

How to start losing weight properly

When it comes to weight loss, your calorie intake must be lower than your energy expenditure. And no, no miraculous tea, detox juices, or even the legendary wand of Albus Dumbledore will help you with that. You’ll achieve results only by reducing the amount of calorie intake from your daily meals and increasing energy expenditure through movement or exercise. That’s the trick. And it doesn’t mean you have to give up everything you love. You can indulge in fast food, a huge burger, pizza, or fries occasionally, as long as they fit into your overall calorie intake. An online calculator for energy intake and macronutrients can help you determine how many calories you should consume in your weight loss efforts. [5]:

If you’re more interested in the topic of weight loss and want to lose weight properly, but above all, healthily, check out our articles:

Diet meal plan

4. Late-night Netflix recovery sessions

One of the most common youthful blunders regarding exercise is undoubtedly neglecting recovery. After all, who prioritizes rest when the body is brimming with energy, and you’re eager to keep pace with everything happening around you? Whether it’s spending time with friends, pursuing crushes, attending parties, trading Pokémon cards, burning the midnight oil for studies, gaming, or succumbing to the latest trend of binge-watching on streaming services.

And if you’re feeling drained, an energy drink will fix it, ideally one loaded with sugar, and if not one, then definitely two. While you might manage this over the weekend, staying up late with Netflix during the work week with all the obligations becomes a bit more challenging. Binge-watching episodes of your favourite series until the early hours may seem fun, but facing the consequences of early mornings for university or work hits hard. And when you plan to work out later in the afternoon, your body is no longer in the best condition. Sure, when you’re young, you might manage somehow, but it will surely catch up with you later on. So why not adopt healthier habits as soon as possible?

Netflix recovery sessions

Why is recovery important

First and foremost, it’s important to understand why you should prioritize recovery. It’s a process aimed at restoring physical and mental strength that has been disrupted by some form of stress, whether it’s exercise, a demanding exam period, or anything else that has left you drained. In the context of working out, recovery should be seen as one of the key pillars of progress. That’s because intense and repetitive exercise damages muscle fibres, leading to microscopic tears.

Muscles then require some time for muscle cells within these fibres to regenerate, strengthen, and grow, allowing them to continue functioning at full capacity. Otherwise, soft tissue injuries, decreased performance, muscle tension, or overload may occur, ultimately discouraging you from working out. Unpleasant symptoms of this condition can also include increased muscle soreness, lack of energy, or fatigue, which really cannot be resolved by a third energy drink. [6]

How to recover properly

Hence, it’s essential to include ample rest time in your workout regimen. This can be passive and naturally occurs during post-workout recovery. During this period, the body replenishes energy stores from an optimized diet and undergoes various processes, such as muscle protein synthesis, which is crucial in relation to muscle growth.

An important aspect in this regard is maintaining an adequate sleep schedule, which should not regularly fall below 6 hours. General recommendations for sufficient sleep for teenagers include 9.5 hours, while for most adults it’s 7–9 hours. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body, and if you feel tired in the morning, you may need to allow yourself a bit more sleep. Additionally, you can support recovery by engaging in relaxing activities, such as using rehabilitation tools, massage guns, or foam rollers. Ultimately, this approach will lead to much better results than the lifestyle mentioned above. [7,13]

If you’re more interested in this topic, I delved deeper into it in the article: How to Support Regeneration Using a Massage Gun and Other Tools?

Recovery through sleep

5. Choosing supplements based on phrases like “SUPER HARDCORE ANABOLIC”

What kind of workout would it be if, after the first two sessions, you didn’t head straight to the internet to order some dietary supplements? The most common choices are usually protein powders or gainers, and the overall selection is mainly influenced by words like “super, ultra, hardcore, power, anabolic, muscle, gain,” or similar catchy phrases. And of course, it’s even better if the product’s packaging features a heavily muscular guy or a sexy fitness model. At that point, it’s clear that you won’t find a better product, and the order is on its way. After all, who cares about the ingredients listed on the packaging that no one reads anyway, right?

Watch out for steroids or products on the edge of the law

Not to mention that some individuals want to take it even further and browse various shady e-shops selling products teetering on the edge of the law or even steroids. These are also a big temptation in youth, and their negatives are overshadowed by the wow effect of achieving a perfectly muscular physique. Unfortunately, we have to add this to the list of the most common youthful mistakes. Especially when it comes to steroids, it’s crucial to emphasize with a raised finger that it’s no joke, and their negative effects can be fatal, or they may catch up with you later in life.

The use of anabolic steroids can cause serious, long-lasting, and in some cases irreversible damage. There are many cases where steroids have caused heart attacks even in very young individuals, and many of them are no longer with us. Liver or prostate tumours, stroke, kidney failure, or psychological problems are also no exceptions to the negative effects of steroids. That’s why you shouldn’t even consider using such substances. [8]

And the arguments like “but legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Heath, or Jason Cutler used steroids” don’t hold up either. It’s important to note that these big names have a team of people around them, including various experts and doctors, who take care of their health. They regularly undergo medical check-ups, and even Arnold himself stated in his biographical documentary from Netflix that during his professional career, he used steroids, but he had a doctor who allowed him to use them only once a year, and that was 4 months before a major competition. Additionally, he made sure not to use them throughout the rest of the year, because even outside of competitions, professional bodybuilders are quite prone to using steroids in their efforts to improve. [19]

The use of steroids is mainly associated with professional sports at the highest level and doesn’t make much sense under normal circumstances. It also involves regular checks and care from specialists. In this case, it’s definitely not comparable to youthful recklessness, and it’s not a magical path to muscles. Even Arnold himself added in his documentary that he attributes only 5% of his progress to steroids. Moreover, he needed to resort to them only in his later years to achieve results in Mr. Olympia and other world bodybuilding competitions. In the case of amateur-level training, it’s absolutely not worth it. Instead of considering steroids at a young age, you should focus on honest training, proper technique, recovery, and adequate nutrition, which can be supplemented if needed. [19]

Steroids are dangerous

Choosing the right supplements

Based on the facts above, it’s evident that supplementation will always be far superior to any contemplation of steroids. However, the appropriate selection of dietary supplements is crucial, as a flashy name doesn’t necessarily equate to quality. You can steer clear of pitfalls like excessive sugar content or unnecessary fillers that disrupt the overall ingredient profile. Nonetheless, issues may arise concerning dosage, which must be respected without question.

Especially when considering the purchase of pre-workout supplements. They often contain caffeine, with a safe dosage for a healthy adult weighing 70 kg being around 400 mg per day. This limit can easily be surpassed, particularly if you don’t adhere to the maximum daily dosage of the supplement or if you decide to combine it with coffee. Excessive caffeine intake all at once can lead to headaches, nervousness, sleep disturbances, or an elevated heart rate. However, we’ll delve further into its effects below, in point 10. [9]

When it comes to the complex issue of dietary supplements, it’s essential to always respect the dosage indicated on the packaging. Additionally, having at least a basic understanding will be beneficial. This knowledge will help you find answers to questions like what is a protein powder, what is a gainer, or what effects can you expect from creatine. Therefore, you have no choice but to educate yourself on the subject of dietary supplements and determine which substances are effective and which are not. Only then can you reap the benefits, such as increased protein intake, energy boost, recovery support, or better performance during your workouts.

My article “Dietary Supplements for Exercise and How to Choose Them” will provide you with a more in-depth look at the CORE line-up of dietary supplements. It not only presents their characteristics but also discusses their expected effects and recommended dosages.

Workout dietary supplements

6. Jumping the Gun

Beginnings are tough, and sometimes our excessive enthusiasm can make them even harder. Imagine learning to cook and eagerly throwing all the ingredients into the pot in the first minute of following the recipe. Or celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends at a cottage and setting off a grand fireworks display at 11:30 PM. Or on a first date, skipping the getting-to-know-you phase right after the initial “hello” and going straight to proposing marriage. Some things require time, and jumping the gun doesn’t make it any easier; quite the opposite. Even your first steps into exercising are no exception.

Each of us started at different levels of physical fitness and form. While some managed to do more at the beginning, others did less, but no one could optimally complete a workout if they gave 120% during the first two exercises. Workouts shouldn’t look like another instalment of the Fast & Furious series. It’s easy to then find yourself struggling, quickly getting tired, and slacking off on the remaining exercises or even calling it quits before the end. Not to mention that pushing too hard in the beginning can lead to excessive muscle soreness, demotivation, or even injury. Therefore, you should gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Above all, don’t try to mimic anyone else and focus on your own limits.

How to approach your first workouts properly

In your initial workouts, it’s advisable to start with minimal weight, allowing you to focus primarily on mastering the technique of each exercise. Remember, correct execution yields greater benefits than simply chasing heavier weights. Besides, there’s no need to worry about progressing to heavier weights gradually; there’s plenty of time for that. Instead of aiming for maximum weight right from the start, embrace the principle of progressive overload. Listen to your body and gradually increase the load or repetitions, all while maintaining proper form. This approach has proven effective in promoting muscle growth and strength gains, for both men and women. [10 – 11]

How to approach your first workouts properly

7. Chasing protein shakes with alcohol

It looks like the ideal scenario. You’ve been diligently working out for two weeks, trying to eat better, and you’ve also chosen suitable dietary supplements. However, on Thursday, your friend texts you, inviting you to celebrate their birthday over the weekend. Accepting such an invitation is a given. Before leaving home, you have your usual protein shake, and you head to the celebration with the thought that you won’t drink because you’re working out.

But when offered a drink, you quickly give in, chasing your protein shake with rum and cola for the first toast. The following morning brings slight regrets, despite the enjoyable time. However, come Monday, it’s back to the usual routine, until you find yourself buying tickets for the opening semester party after school on Wednesday. Scheduled for Thursday due to Friday being a day off, you’re already demotivated to hit the gym, knowing how the weekend went. And so, the cycle continues.

Alcohol and working out

Sure, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional party and a drink. However, problems arise when such a routine becomes a regular occurrence for you, and this lifestyle doesn’t align well with exercising. Regular alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in athletic performance during subsequent workouts. It also suppresses protein synthesis, thereby affecting overall muscle growth. Not to mention, if your goal is to lose weight, each drink adds unnecessary empty calories.

As you neglect recovery and lack sufficient sleep, each subsequent drink chips away at your inhibitions. This leads you to indulge in various types of snacks like cakes, chips, or mayonnaise salads without much thought, knowing that any regrets will only surface the next day. Rather than succumbing to this cycle, limit alcohol intake and reserve a drink for occasional indulgence. Your body will thank you with improved health and athletic performance, and you’ll see results much sooner by celebrating your gym victories without alcohol. [12]

Alcohol significantly disrupts your workout routine

8. Starting all over again

Certainly, most seasoned gym-goers would concur that during their early days, enthusiasm was never in short supply. I, too, in my teenage years, frequently found myself enthusiastically embracing one thing one week, only to be captivated by something entirely different the next. Regrettably, this inconsistency also extended to my workout routine, which initially lasted about a month and a half. Subsequently, my interest waned to the extent that gym visits completely vanished from my life. It took me a few years to re-engage with them and fully commit.

Alright, maybe just the entire summer. But on the third attempt, with some hindsight, I told myself that fortune favours the bold. This time, however, it was different. I found ample inner motivation and diligently worked for several long years. Nevertheless, I’m sure you’re familiar with someone in your circle who consistently restarts their gym journey. So much so that you could bake them a cake with at least five candles to mark the occasion.

How to stick with your workout routine

If you wish to avoid following such an example and find yourself celebrating five years of beginner’s efforts, you must stick to your workout routine. Right from the start, you need a compelling reason WHY. The answer to this question should fuel your self-discipline, enabling you to control your actions without succumbing to temptation.

It can make a real difference in various aspects of your life. But when it comes to sticking to your workout routine, having self-discipline helps you resist skipping the gym and saying no to tempting fast food or alcohol. Luckily, self-discipline isn’t something you’re born with; it’s something you develop through small steps. You can start by doing simple things like making your bed every morning or having a glass of water with breakfast. These little habits take just a few seconds and eventually become second nature. Later on, you can set bigger goals, like starting to run, shedding a few pounds, or committing to regular workouts. Keep working on these goals daily and try not to stray from the path. [14]

You can learn more about it in the article “Self-Discipline: The Key to Success in Sports and Life,” where I discuss the steps to mastering this valuable attribute.

Working out demands self-discipline

9. Chicken legsseason or when the upper body steals the show

When I started working out many years ago, I was about 17 years old. I had a training plan developed by an experienced guy back then, where each muscle group was nicely scheduled for the entire week. In the end, it looked something like this:

  • monday: chest / biceps
  • tuesday: back / triceps
  • wednesday: day off
  • thursday: shoulders / legs / abs
  • friday: day off
  • saturday: chest / biceps
  • sunday: day off

But who cares about working on the back, legs, or shoulders, right? I just wanted those big biceps because they seemed the coolest to me back then. I’d be way more pumped for the gym if my weekly training plan looked like this:

  • monday: biceps / biceps
  • tuesday: voľno
  • wednesday: biceps / biceps / biceps
  • thursday: day off
  • friday: biceps / biceps / biceps / biceps
  • saturday: biceps / biceps
  • sunday: day off

When I look back on this way of thinking today, nearly 10 years later, my eyebrows don’t just raise, they practically shoot up to the top of my forehead from what I actually thought back then. Unfortunately, even in this regard, the idea that I didn’t really need to work out my legs wasn’t an exception. The result of such long-term thinking was a physique resembling what’s colloquially termed “chicken legs,” where the upper body appeared muscular while the lower part lagged behind.

Similar favouritism towards the coveted body part didn’t bypass girls either, who directed all their enthusiasm and effort mainly towards their butt. So, I have nothing left but to explain to you why it’s actually good to exercise all the muscle groups of the body, as neither just the biceps nor the buttocks will save you.

Full-body workout is important

Why beginners should exercise their entire body?

Full-body workouts are absolutely crucial for beginners. Exercise and movement are something entirely new to them. This means it’s essential to start from the basics, similar to various other activities you’ve likely already experienced. Surely, you’ll agree that you didn’t score a hat trick at your first soccer training session (unless you’re Messi). You didn’t take your final exams immediately after starting your first year, and in driving school, they didn’t put you behind the wheel in heavy traffic on your first lesson. The same incremental approach applies to working out.

The first visit to the gym often means you have little or no athletic background, and this is your first serious experience with working out. Therefore, you need to learn how to control your muscles and perform precise movement patterns for each exercise. A full-body workout is the best teacher of motor control. It allows you to learn the same movement patterns throughout the week, engaging all major muscle groups: chest, biceps, shoulders, triceps, legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), buttocks, forearms, and abdomen. Thanks to comprehensive training of all muscle groups, you can build a symmetrical physique, similar to the one you admire in your fitness role models.

A full-body workout can also help prevent muscle imbalance at the beginning, which occurs when you favour certain muscle groups. In other words, when your dream workout routine revolves around just biceps, biceps, and more biceps. Muscle balance, on the other hand, can help prevent injuries and maximize your performance in complex exercises that involve multiple muscles.

It can be quite challenging to attempt squatting the mythical and legendary 100 kilograms for the first time if your back or legs are weak. Similarly, deadlifting engages almost your entire body. Therefore, if some muscle groups are significantly weaker, you’ll likely find it hard to progress. Instead, follow a well-designed training plan, ideally from a professional, where you target each major muscle group at least once a week. You can begin with a full-body workout routine and gradually transition to exercising twice a week with a split routine focusing on upper and lower body. [15]

You can also put together your training plan using the exercises from these articles:

Discover our bestsellers:

10. Dry scooping dietary supplements

I must admit that this is something that wouldn’t have crossed my mind even 15 years ago. Nevertheless, it appears from various sources that it’s a fairly popular trend among many teenagers or young athletes. And as you might guess, it became a huge hit on none other than social media. Videos have flooded the platforms showing people consuming dry scoops or spoonfuls of powdered dietary supplements without mixing them together with water or any other beverage, just as the manufacturer recommends for dosing. It’s mostly with various pre-workout supplements, where the argument is that consuming them dry in powdered form offers a better energy boost and overall performance than the traditional dissolved version in water.

However, the fact remains that there is no scientific evidence supporting this crazy theory. All absorption and digestive processes occur in a watery environment within the body anyway. Taking this into account, the dry scooping strategy doesn’t make sense.

Dry consumption of dietary supplements is not advisable for several reasons, primarily due to the risk of breathing difficulties or choking. It bears resemblance to the infamous cinnamon challenge trend, where individuals attempted to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon. However, the dry consistency of cinnamon powder often led to coughing or choking instead of successful ingestion. The same caution applies to powdered supplements, as inhaling or choking on the powder can result in serious health issues. There have been documented cases where individuals ended up in the hospital after inhaling supplement powder.

Powdered dietary supplements

Beware of caffeine

In addition, pre-workout supplements can also lead to other issues associated with excessive caffeine intake. Especially if you try to be a hero and take multiple doses. This can result in problems such as heart palpitations, insomnia, nervousness, or anxiety.

The consumption of caffeine is particularly problematic, especially for beginners at a young age, who are often advised against its consumption. During the teenage years, you should handle it with utmost caution. Moreover, it is necessary to know where caffeine lurks for you. With a wide range of different caffeine or energy drinks combined with coffee, small espressos, or milk lattes, the maximum dose can easily be exceeded. According to EFSA, this should not exceed 3 mg/kg, which for a 60 kg person equals roughly 180 mg of caffeine. This is an amount found in about 2 espressos. [17]

Instead of dry scooping, always try to take dietary supplements as directed on the packaging. Forget about caffeine lures and opt instead for a path involving regular meals, sufficient sleep, and recovery. This will ensure you have enough energy for every workout. And if you’re considering a pre-workout supplement, choose one that is caffeine-free. A great example is Thor Stim-Free. And when you do pick a caffeinated pre-workout, pay attention to its dosage and be mindful of your overall daily caffeine intake.   [16 – 18]



Avoiding various beginner mistakes when exercising at a young age is undoubtedly challenging. Many errors arise from age-appropriate thinking and the temptations encountered in youth. Nevertheless, eliminating these mistakes is achievable. By following the tips mentioned above, you can certainly attain better results. Strive primarily for regular and consistent adherence to sports habits.

Also, consider making at least minor adjustments to your diet, depending on your goals. Don’t forget about recovery, and refrain from exaggerated notions that you’ll become Superman or a bikini fitness model after a week. It may not happen that quickly, but if you adhere to the basic principles of exercise, results will certainly show up sooner or later. And I guarantee you that seeing them will truly be worth it!


[1] Elijah Luken - The Role of Protein and Carbohydrates in Gaining Body Mass –

[2] Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults –

[3] Julia Sullivan, Addison Aloian - How Long Does It Take To See Results From Working Out? Fitness Experts Weigh In –


[5] Paul Frysh - Caloric Deficit: What to Know –

[6] Regeneration –

[7] Bernaciková, M., Masarykova univerzita, & Fakulta sportovních studií. – Regenerace a výživa ve sportu (1. vyd.)

[8] Anabolic Steroids and Other Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs (APEDs) –

[9] Caffeine: How much is too much? –

[10] Common Beginner Fitness Mistakes –

[11] Mark D. Peterson, Emidio Pistilli, G. Gregory Haff, Eric P. Hoffman, Paul M. Gordon - Progression of volume load and muscular adaptation during resistance exercise –

[12] Jennifer L Steiner, Bradley S Gordon, Charles H Lang - Moderate alcohol consumption does not impair overload-induced muscle hypertrophy and protein synthesis –

[13] Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep –

[14] Angela Lee Duckworth, Heidi Grant,Benjamin Loew, Gabriele Oettingen, Peter M. Gollwitzer - Self‐regulation strategies improve self‐discipline in adolescents: benefits of mental contrasting and implementation intentions –

[15] Bill Geiger - The Ultimate Beginner's Full-Body Workout –

[16] Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much? –

[17] Caffeine –

[18] Michele LaBotz - My 16-year-old started using a supplement before working out and says that “dry scooping” makes it work better. Is this true? –

[19] Jess Hardiman - Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals how much of his bodybuilding progress was down to steroids –

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