Glute Bridge: Top 10 Variations for a Firmer and Rounder Butt

Glute Bridge: Top 10 Variations for a Firmer and Rounder Butt

Glute bridge ranks among the most popular bodyweight exercises for targeting the buttocks. In its basic form, without any equipment, it’s ideal for beginners. However, when adding resistance, such as using a dumbbell, it becomes a challenge even for advanced athletes. This versatility makes it a valuable addition to the training plan for just about everyone. Learn how to perform the basic version of the glute bridge properly and explore its variations using fitness equipment.

At the mention of this exercise, you might recall the iconic music video for the song “Call On Me” by Eric Prydz, where people are “bridging” in an aerobics class. Perhaps, it is because of this that the glute bridge has become particularly popular among women, who hope to achieve a sexy, round butt. However, men can also benefit from this exercise. It is similar to the hip thrust, which is one of the best exercises for strengthening the gluteal muscles. Stronger glutes can then help with athletic performance in the gym, on the running track, and on the football field.

Why Do the Glute Bridge?

The glute bridge is a functional exercise for the buttocks that you can do with or without fitness equipment. What are its other benefits?

1. You can do it anywhere

You don’t need any weights for this exercise. It’s something you can do at home, on holidays, or just about anywhere. Just grab a mat or a towel, lay it down, and you’re good to go. It’s also a handy workout move when you don’t have a flat bench for hip thrusts and require a suitable replacement.

2. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes

Even beginners can handle the basic version of the glute bridge. The more advanced can then increase the intensity by adding resistance in the form of a dumbbell, kettlebell, or resistance band. [1]

3. It strengthens the glutes and hamstrings

The glute bridge will help you build stronger glutes as well as hamstrings. Their increased strength and speed will come in handy not only during your gym workouts, but also in activities like running, cycling, and team sports such as football or basketball. This exercise can thus make you a slightly better athlete. [4]

Benefits of the glute bridge exercise

4. It will help sculpt a sexy butt

If firm and round glutes are your goal, definitely consider incorporating the glute bridge into your workout routine. It is also recommended by trainer Bret Contreras, also known as The Glute Guy, who is among the foremost experts in developing gluteal muscles. According to him, performing the glute bridge with added resistance results in a similar activation of the buttock muscles as in the case of the hip thrust. This means it can be more effective in this regard than squats. Although it has a more limited range of motion and may not support as much weight as the hip thrust, it is still a suitable choice for beginners and situations where you don’t have access to a bench and a barbell with weight plates. [5]

If you’re interested in learning what it takes to build firm and rounded glutes, don’t miss the article: How to Tone and Shape Your Butt and Legs

5. It helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back

The glute bridge can also aid in terms of musculoskeletal health. When you learn to do it correctly, you’ll be strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, which tend to weaken with age and can cause intimate issues, especially in women. Simultaneously, it promotes the proper activation of the gluteal muscles, which may bring relief to the muscles in the lower back. These muscles often ache because they take on the function of the glutes and become overloaded. [3, 6]

6. It is suitable as an activation exercise

This exercise is perfect for warming up and activating the core and glutes before engaging in a leg and buttocks workout. When performed with proper technique, it efficiently engages the gluteal muscles, priming them for challenging squats and other leg exercises. It’s therefore a valuable addition to the warm-up routine for anyone looking to optimize their glute workout. [2]

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How to Correctly Perform the Glute Bridge?

You will get the most out of this exercise when you learn the correct technique.

1. Starting position

  • Lie on your back and place your hands alongside your body with palms on the ground.
  • Bend your knees, bring them towards your hips, and place your feet or just the heels on the ground.
  • Keep your head, upper back, arms, and feet or just the heels on the ground throughout the duration of the exercise.
  • Activate your core, which helps protect the lower back from overloading.

2. Execution

  • Exhale and, activating the gluteal and hamstring muscles, lift your pelvis upward.
  • Press your feet into the ground for greater stability.
  • Lift your pelvis to a height where your shoulders, hips, and knees form an imaginary straight line.
  • In the upper position, focus on contracting the gluteal muscles.
  • Hold this position for a second or two, then, inhaling, lower your pelvis down in a controlled manner.
  • Continue with the next repetition.

3. What are the most common mistakes when perfoming the glute bridge?

  • Limited range of motion.
  • Insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles and core.
  • Excessive arching of the lower back (lifting the pelvis too high).
  • Uncontrolled movement.
  • Feet too far away from the buttocks.
  • In variations with added weight, it might also be a matter of choosing the wrong resistance.
Proper glute bridge technique

Glute Bridge in Your Training Plan

Incorporating the glute bridge into your workout every day for quick results might not be the best approach. Overloading your glutes and lumbar region is a possibility. On the other hand, doing it only once every two weeks probably won’t yield any noticeable results. Hence, finding a balanced approach and integrating this exercise wisely into your training plan is key.

  • As part of your buttocks workout, it’s ideal to perform the glute bridge 2 to 3 times a week.
  • The number of sets is 3 to 5, depending on the amount of resistance and other exercises in your workout.
  • Incorporate a 30 to 90 second rest inbetween sets.
  • The number of repetitions for the basic version without resistance is 15 to 20.
  • Perform variations with added resistance in repetitions of 8 to 15.
  • It is also suitable as an activation exercise before the lower body workout.
  • Also suitable for circuit training or HIIT workouts.

You can find additional exercises to add to your lower body workout without equipment in the article: How to Work on Your Booty? Best Bodyweight Exercises for Round and Firm Glutes

How to Do a Glute Bridge for Advanced Athletes?

If you can easily handle 15 to 20 repetitions without feeling muscle fatigue, you probably need to give your muscles a new stimulus for further growth and strengthening. These training tips could help you in achieving that:

  • Gradually shorten the rest period between individual exercises by 10 seconds.
  • Incorporate supersets, during which you perform 2 or more variations of this exercise consecutively without a break.
  • Try the glute bridge with resistance using an expander, dumbbell, powerbag, or kettlebell.

Interested in giving it your all during your workout? Then you shouldn’t miss our article: How to Make Your Home Workout More Challenging Even Without Fitness Accessories

Glute bridge for advanced athletes

10 Effective Glute Bridge Variations

The first step to mastering this exercise is learning the proper technique of the basic glute bridge version. After that, you can add a resistance band or additional weight. However, the most challenging is the bridge on balance tools or a suspension training set, which will also test your core strength.

1. Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back and place your hands alongside your body with palms on the ground. Bend your knees, bring them towards your hips, and place your feet or just the heels on the ground.
  • Execution: Activate the gluteal and hamstring muscles to lift the pelvis upward. In the upper position, focus on contracting the gluteal muscles. Hold this position for a second or two, then lower the pelvis down in a controlled manner. Continue with the next repetition.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the glute bridge?

2. Single Leg Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Remain in the starting position of the basic glute bridge version and add the movement of lifting one bent leg upward.
  • Execution: Activate the gluteal and hamstring muscles to lift the pelvis upward. Ensure that the lifted leg remains in the same position, and the movement originates solely from the pelvis. In the upper position, focus on contracting the gluteal muscles. Hold this position for a second or two, then lower the pelvis down in a controlled manner. After completing one set, switch legs and perform the same exercise on the other side.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the single leg glute bridge?

3. Frog Pump

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back and place your hands alongside your body with palms on the ground. Bend your knees, bring your feet towards your hips, and rotate them towards each other so they touch.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the frog pump?

4. Resistance Band Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Place a resistance band with a closed loop above your knees. Then lie on your back on a mat, get into the basic glute bridge position, and spread your legs to tension the resistance band.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position, and make sure the band remains tensioned throughout the duration of the set.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement, insufficient or excessive resistance of the resistance band.
How to perform the resistance band glute bridge?

5. Dumbbell Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Get in the same position as with the basic glute bridge. Then place a dumbbell on your pelvis and hold it with both hands at the ends.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position. In the upper position, you can include a short hold.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement, insufficient or excessive weight load.
How to perform the dumbbell glute bridge?

6. Kettlebell Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Get in the same position as with the basic glute bridge. Then place a kettlebell on your pelvis and hold it on both sides with your hands.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position. In the upper position, you can include a short hold.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement, insufficient or excessive weight load.
How to perform the kettlebell glute bridge?

7. Powerbag Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Get in the same position as with the basic glute bridge. Then place a powerbag on your pelvis and hold it on both sides with your hands.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position. In the upper position, you can include a short hold.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement, insufficient or excessive weight load.
How to perform the powerbag glute bridge?

8. Half Ball Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back on a mat and place your feet on a balance pad. Keep your head, upper back, and arms on the ground, similar to the basic glute bridge version.
  • Execution: Lift your pelvis similarly to the basic glute bridge version. However, pay extra attention to the coordination of the movement and maintaining balance, especially in the upper position of the exercise.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the half ball glute bridge?

Elevated glute bridge can also be performed with the help of other alternatives such as the fitness stepper, plyometric box, low bench, or at home, for example, on a couch.

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9. Exercise Ball Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back on a mat and place your feet on an exercise ball. Keep your head, upper back, and arms on the ground, similar to the basic glute bridge version.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise the same way as in the basic glute bridge position, and pay maximum attention to the coordination of the movement. In the upper position, you can include a short hold.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the exercise ball glute bridge?

10. Suspension Trainer Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back on a mat, lift your bent legs, and place your feet in the straps of the suspension training set. Keep your head, upper back, and arms on the ground, similar to the basic glute bridge version.
  • Execution: Lift your pelvis similarly to the basic glute bridge version. However, pay maximum attention to activating the core, coordinating the movement, and maintaining balance, especially in the upper position of the exercise.
  • Common Mistakes: Limited range of motion, insufficient activation of the gluteal muscles, excessive arching of the lower back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the suspension trainer glute bridge?

Bodyweight Exercises for the Buttocks

Discover more butt exercises that require no equipment in our video.

Where to Go From Here?

What Are the Main Takeaways?

The glute bridge is an effective exercise for strengthening the gluteal muscles and achieving a rounded butt. What’s more, you don’t need any equipment to do it. That said, if you want to make it more challenging, you can use a resistance band or add weight in the form of a kettlebell. In addition to proper technique, it’s also crucial to incorporate it into your workout regularly, at least twice a week. Over time, gradually increase the number of repetitions, sets, or the weight of the load. This way, you will adhere to the principle of progressive overload, which is essential for achieving new results.

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with your friends and pass along the tips for some glute bridge variations!


[1] Tone Your Lower Body: The Top 10 Benefits of Glute Bridges. –

[2] Dewar, M. 5 Benefits of the Glute Bridge. –

[3] UT Physicians. Three exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor. –

[4] MasterClass. Glute Bridge Guide: How to Do Glute Bridges in 5 Steps - 2023. –

[5] Men’s Health.The Exercise You Need to Start Doing For Stronger Glutes. –

[6] Ascent Chiropractic. The Single Best Exercise For Preventing Low Back Pain. –

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