24 Most Effective Plank Variations

24 Most Effective Plank Variations

Plank stands out as a top-tier exercise, contributing to a strong core and well-defined abdominal muscles. Yet, monotony might set in, leading to a decline in how often you do it. To counter this, we have prepared equally effective plank variations. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned athletes seeking fresh challenges, these variations inject diversity into your abdominal workout or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), all without the need for any additional equipment.

What Are the Benefits of Planking?

Perhaps you’re wondering, why bother with the plank exercise? There are several compelling benefits to motivate you. First and foremost, it helps fortify the core and sculpt abdominal muscles. Beyond the pursuit of a more appealing physique, it delivers a host of functional advantages. This includes improved body posture, enhanced stability, and overall increased strength. These benefits can then be harnessed in traditional strength training, such as squats or deadlifts. A strong core will also prove advantageous during various activities like running, soccer, basketball, or even martial arts. Notably, the plank is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes, seamlessly fitting into the training plan of almost anyone.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of planking, read our article: How Can the Plank Exercise Change Your Body? Six-Pack, Stronger Core and Better Athletic Performance

How Often Should You Do Planks?

The anticipation of quick results may have led you to schedule the plank in your workout every day. However, such an approach is neither ideal nor sustainable in the long run. Doing so could potentially strain your abdominal muscles or the shoulders, which play a role in maintaining a stable position.

  • It’s best to incorporate the plank in various variations into your workout routine 2–3 times a week.
  • You can perform it on its own, integrate it into a HIIT session, include it as part of a comprehensive ab workout, or combine it with exercises targeting other muscle groups.
  • Start off with a 15-second hold and then add 10 seconds each week, but only if you can maintain the proper technique.
  • First do 3 sets, and then you can gradually increase it up to 5 sets.
  • Feel free to combine various plank variations during your workout session.

Abdominal workout isn’t just about planking; it involves a more comprehensive approach with multiple exercises. You can find everything in the article: 21 Best Bodyweight Ab Exercises

Benefits of planking

How to Strengthen and Sculpt Your Abs? Try the 24 Best Plank Variations

The main advantage of the plank is that you can perform it without any equipment. All you need to do is place a towel or mat underneath you. This exercise is suitable for home workouts, workout field sessions, or anywhere during your holiday. Before you start planking, make sure to always warm up a bit, for example, with jogging in place, on an air bike, or skipping rope. Prepare a sports watch, mobile phone, or workout timer to measure the exercise duration.

For your workout, choose 2–4 of the listed exercises, which are divided into two groups. The first group includes variations of the basic plank focused more on strengthening the rectus and deep abdominal muscles. The second group consists of side plank variations, which are ideal for working the oblique abdominal muscles.

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Basic Plank and Its Variations

1. Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into a prone plank on your forearms. Ensure that your shoulders are directed away from your ears, bring the shoulder blades together, and keep the elbows at approximately a 45-degree angle with the body. Activate your core and strive to maintain a straight body position. Avoid arching your back, especially in the lumbar region.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
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2. Kneeling Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground, use your knees as support on a mat, and transition into a plank on your forearms. Place your palms, with fingers spread, under your shoulders at a slightly wider distance than their span. Ensure your shoulders are directed away from your ears, bring the shoulder blades together, and keep the elbows at approximately a 45-degree angle with the body. Activate your core and strive to maintain a stable body position.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
How to perform the kneeling plank?

3. Extended Arm Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into a plank with extended arms. Place your palms, with fingers spread, under your shoulders at a slightly wider distance than their span. Ensure your shoulders are directed away from your ears, bring the shoulder blades together, and keep the elbows at approximately a 45-degree angle with the body. Activate your core and strive to maintain a straight body position. Avoid arching your back, especially in the lumbar region.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the extended arm plank?

4. Up Down Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank. Avoid arching your back, especially in the lumbar region.
  • Execution: Exhale as you lift yourself up into the extended arm plank, then inhale as you return to the starting position. Continue in this manner until you complete 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the up down plank?

5. Plank With Side Step

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you do a sidestep with one leg, then inhale as you return and take a sidestep with the other leg. Continue in this manner until you complete a total of 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the plank step ins?

6. Plank Jack 

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you push off with the tips of your toes, jumping to the side. Then, smoothly push off again, returning to the starting position, and seamlessly flow into the next repetition. Keep the rhythm going and aim for 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the plank jack?

7. Plank With Leg Lift

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank.
  • Execution: Breathe out as you lift your leg. When starting off, it’s sufficient to lift your leg just a few centimetres above the mat, gradually increasing the range of motion as you go. Inhale as you return to the starting position and switch legs. Complete a total of 8–16 repetitions in this manner.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the plank with leg lift?

8. Plank To Pike

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you begin lifting your hips towards the ceiling as high as possible. Strive to maintain a straight back and extended legs. Inhale as you return to the starting position and seamlessly move into the next repetition. Complete 8–16 repetitions in this manner.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the plank to pike?

9. Plank Knee To Elbow

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank.
  • Execution: Breathe out as you bend one leg and bring it toward the elbow of the extended arm. Then, return it to the starting position and immediately repeat the same movement with your other leg. Complete a total of 8–16 repetitions in this manner.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis, insufficient range of motion.
How to perform the plank knee to elbow?

10. Plank With Arm Raise

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you lift and extend your arm. To start, just a few centimetres above the ground is enough, gradually increasing the range of motion as you go. Then, return to the starting position and immediately repeat on the other side. Complete a total of 8–16 repetitions in this manner.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis, leaning your body too much to one side.
How to perform the plank with arm raise?

11. Plank With Opposite Arm and Leg Lift

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank.
  • Execution: Exhale and simultaneously lift and extend the opposing limbs (just a few centimetres above the ground). Inhale as you return to the starting position and perform the exercise with the other pair of limbs. Continue in this manner until you complete a total of 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, uncontrolled movement, limited range of motion, leaning your body too much to one side.
How to perform the plank with opposite arm and leg lift?

12. Reverse Plank

  • Starting Position: Sit on a mat, support yourself with your hands, and lift your hips upward. Support your body with straight legs pressed against the ground.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the reverse plank?

13. Rocking Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the basic plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you shift your entire body forward, then inhale as you move it backward. Throughout, aim to keep your body in a straight line. Complete a total of 8–16 repetitions in this manner.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the rocking plank?

14. Extended Plank

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank. Shift your palms further forward, extending them to the maximum distance where you can still maintain your body in a straight line.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally and try to maintain this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the extended plank?

15. Plank Shoulder Taps

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you lift one hand and touch the opposite shoulder. Inhale as you return to the starting position and perform the same movement with the other hand. Continue in this manner until you complete a total of 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the plank sholder taps?

16. Plank Step Ins

  • Starting Position: Kneel on the ground and transition into the extended arm plank.
  • Execution: Exhale as you bend one leg and take a step forward (under your body), then immediately repeat the same movement with the other leg. Return the first leg and then the second leg to the starting position, and repeat the exercise. Continue in this manner until you complete 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, excessively lifting your pelvis.
How to perform the plank step ins?

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Side Plank and Its Variations

1. Side Plank

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Place the foot of the upper leg on the ground in front of the lower leg. Lift yourself up on the lower extended arm, and place the upper arm on your hip or lift it toward the ceiling.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds. Then, perform the same on the opposite side.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
How to perform the side plank?

2. Kneeling Side Plank

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side, lift yourself up on your forearm, and use the lower leg, bent at a 90-degree angle, as support. Extend the upper leg and keep the knees close together.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds. Then, perform the same on the opposite side.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
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3. Extended Arm Side Plank

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended and feet stacked together. Lift yourself up on the lower extended arm, and place the upper arm on your hip or lift it toward the ceiling.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, keep your body tight, and aim to hold this position for at least 15 seconds. Then, perform the same on the opposite side.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
How to perform the extended arm side plank?

4. Alternating Side Plank

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Place the foot of the upper leg on the ground in front of the foot of the lower leg. Lift yourself up on your forearm, and lift the upper arm toward the ceiling.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally, and hold the side plank position on one side for 1–2 seconds. Then, move the upper arm down next to your other arm, rotate to the other side, and hold for another 1–2 seconds. Switch sides and repeat this process until you complete 8–16 repetitions.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
How to perform the alternating side plank?

5. Plank Hip Dips

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Keep your feet stacked together and lift yourself up on the forearm of the lower arm. Place the upper arm on your hip or lift it toward the ceiling.
  • Execution: Exhale as you lower your hips toward the mat, lightly touching it. Then, inhale as you return to the starting position. Continue in this manner until you complete 8–12 repetitions and switch sides.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the plank hip dips?

6. Side Plank Crunches

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Keep your feet stacked together, lift yourself up on the forearm of the lower arm, and extend the upper arm overhead.
  • Execution: Exhale as you bend the upper arm and leg, aiming to bring the knee close to or touch the elbow. Inhale as you return to the starting position, immediately followed by the next repetition. Continue in this manner until you complete 8–12 repetitions and switch sides.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the side plank crunches?

7. Side Plank Thread The Needle

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Keep your feet stacked together and lift yourself up on the forearm of the lower arm. Extend the upper arm toward the ceiling.
  • Execution: Exhale as you thread the upper arm under your body, then inhale as you return to the starting position. Immediately proceed to the next repetition and continue until you complete 8–12 repetitions. Then, switch sides.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground, uncontrolled movement.
How to perform the side plank thread the needle?

8. Side Plank Leg Lift Hold

  • Starting Position: Lie on your side with legs extended. Lift yourself up on the forearm of the lower arm. Extend the upper arm toward the ceiling and also raise the upper leg a few centimetres off the ground.
  • Execution: Breathe naturally and try to maintain this position for at least 15 seconds. Then, switch sides.
  • Common Mistakes: Arching your back, letting your hips sag toward the ground.
How to perform the side plank leg lift hold?

Where to Go From Here?

Do you want to lose belly fat and have a sculpted six-pack? Learn how to achieve that with our articles:

Looking for inspiration for effective ab exercises? Find them in our workout articles:

What Are the Main Takeaways?

Plank is a functional exercise that can help you strengthen the core muscles. As highlighted in today’s article, you don’t have to stick to the basic plank routine. There’s a whole array of variations that can add excitement to your abdominal and full-body workouts. However, it’s crucial to prioritize proper technique while exercising, and remember to gradually increase the duration of your plank holds or the number of repetitions.

Did you find this article helpful? If so, feel free to share it with your friends and let them know about these effective plank variations.


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[3] Dr. Atencio. The Importance of the Core in Posture. – https://texasspineandsportstherapy.com/the-importance-of-the-core-in-posture/

[4] Physiopedia. Core Muscles. – https://www.physio-pedia.com/Core_Muscles

[5] Stefan, R. Core Training for Weightlifters—How to Become Strong and Stable With the Barbell. – https://barbend.com/core-training-for-weightlifters/

[6] Tredway, T. Why Should Athletes Perform Planks? Stack. – https://www.stack.com/a/why-are-planks-worth-my-time/

[7] Admin, F. Pros and Cons of Planks—Do They Really Work? – https://www.fitnessandpower.com/training/bodybuilding-misc/the-truth-about-planks

[8] Gardner, A. How To Work Your Core With Proper Plank Form. – https://powerliftingtechnique.com/proper-plank-form/

[9] Plank Core Strength and Stability Test. – https://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/plank.htm

[10] Guinness World Records. Longest plank record smashed with staggering new 9-hour time. – https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2021/9/longest-plank-record-smashed-with-staggering-new-time-674245

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